Vlado Martek : Poezija u akciji / Poetry in Action - Croatia : Delve, Institut za trazjanje, mjesto i varijable, 2010 - 191 σ.: Εικον. Εγχρ., Διγλ. Κροάτικα/Αγγλικά; 24 cm.

From the big Vlado Martek oeuvre we exhibit those works that directly reflect the poet and the poetry, the literature and the book. Poetic objects will be exhibited, books as a work of the artist, samizdats, poetic agitations, documentations of poetic agitations, drawings, collages the works trugh which the poetry of Vlado Martek sprawls.


Martek, Vlado, 1951- --Εκθέσεις

Τέχνη, Κροατική--Εκθέσεις--21ος αιώνας
Τέχνη, Μοντέρνα--Εκθέσεις--21ος αιώνας