Dilek Winchester Kayisi Kent Appricot city - [χ.χ.] - άδετα φύλλα: Γλ. Αγγλική

Ν. 1, Ν.2, Ν.4, Ν.5, Ν.6 Apricot City A4 is a fanzine/zine-like-thing. Each issue will be made by a different artist and the fanzine will be copied and sold by mobile photocopiers in Istanbul. Apricot City A4 will attempt to survive on the street between February and December 2010. The first issue was prepared by Dilek Winchester. Subsequent issues will be made by artists including Evrim Kavcar, Nalan Y and Delphine Rigaud, Stephan Kurr, Jorge Mendez Blake, Burak Bedenlier, Yasemin and zcan Kaya and Vahram Aghasyan.

Winchester, Dilek, 1974-

Ξένοι καλλιτέχνες--Εκθέσεις--20ός-21ος αιώνας
Foreign Artists--Exhibitions--20th-21st century