EindhovenIstanbul : 40 international artists selected from 18 years of the Istanbul biennial : a short guide / Eva Meyer-Hermann - Eindhoven, Netherlands : Van Abbemuseum, 2005 - 92 σ.

Absalon-- Alptekin, Huseyin-- Altay, Can-- Alys, Francis-- Bajevic, Maja-- Bruly Bouabre, Frederic -- Bryce, Fernando-- Byrne, Gerard-- Cardiff, Janet and George Bures Miller-- Duwenhogger, Lukas-- Eichhorn, Maria-- Erkmen, Ayse-- Ersen, Esra-- Floyer, Ceal-- Frize, Bernard-- Gediz, Leyla-- Genzken, Isa-- Goldstein, Zvi-- Grigely, Joseph-- Hoeck, Richard-- Holler, Carsten-- Jacir, Emily-- Karamustafa, Gulsun-- Kentridge, William-- Lassnig, Maria-- Murtezaoglu, Aydan-- Oda Projesi-- Onur, Fusun-- Rist, Pipilotti-- Sala, Anri-- Sangar, Bulent-- Sone, Yutaka-- Tenger, Hale-- Trockel, Rosemarie-- Weerasethakul, Apichatpong-- Zbanic, Jasmila-- Zobernig, Heimo--


Μοντέρνα τέχνη--Εκθέσεις--20ός αιώνας
Art, Modern--Exhibitions--20th century
Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum--Exhibitions