Art and folly: Antonio Ligabue, Pietro Ghizzardi. Museum of Madness :Antonio Ligabue, Pietro Ghizzardi / | curated by Vittorio Sgarbi ; organized by Augusto Agosta Tota

Art and folly: Antonio Ligabue, Pietro Ghizzardi. Museum of Madness :Antonio Ligabue, Pietro Ghizzardi / curated by Vittorio Sgarbi ; organized by Augusto Agosta Tota - Parma : Centro Studi Archivio Antonio Ligabue, 2015 - 1 CD-ROM: φωτ. εγχρ.

Αντίγραφο. _ Αυτοέκδοση του Centro Studi Achivio Antonio Ligabue

Ghizzardi, Pietro, 1906-1986 --Exhibitions
Ligabue, Antonio, 1899-1965 --Exhibitions

Italian painting--20th century


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