New forms gallery bulletin 2

New forms gallery bulletin 2 - Αθήνα : Γκαλερί Νέες Μορφές, 1964 - 31 σελ.: Γλ. Αγγλική

2 New Forms Gallery, July-December 1964. In this issue: Prof. Angelo Procopiou, Celeste Polycroniadi, Myth and materials, the quality of her painting. Effie Ferentino, Paris Precas, An interplay of white strokes with light. Prof. Gordon W. Gilkey, American printmaking today. Hellen Vacalo, Kimon Synessios, A lyricist of pop art. Effie Ferentino, Coula Marangopoulou, The animated landscape. Selection of paintings of Greek Artists exhibited during 1964


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