50th Venice Biennale : navigating the dot = | Di wu shi jie Weinisi shuang nian zhan : ji xue / | Para/Site yi shu kong jian

50th Venice Biennale : navigating the dot = Di wu shi jie Weinisi shuang nian zhan : ji xue / Para/Site yi shu kong jian - Hong Kong : Hong Kong Arts Development Council, 2003 - 44 p.

Message from the artists| La Biennale di Venezia 50. Esposizione Internationale d Arte. The Para/Site collective is formed especially for participating in the 50th Venice Biennale

50η Μπιενάλε Βενετίας
Biennale di Venezia (50th : 2003)

Art--Hong Kong--Exhibitions--China


Με την υποστήριξη της κοινότητας Koha